
VPS University

Sharing Data and Improving Care

VPS University was born out of a need to help the VPS Community increase their ability to analyze their data via VPS and help influence change in their PICU based upon the valuable tools VPS provides. These courses help Site Coordinators share their learnings with key groups in and around their PICU. VPS launched the inaugural class of VPS University in 2018 with a focus on sharing data (in Level I), completing a quality improvement project (in Level II), and a research project (in Level III).


VPS University Certification Levels


VPS-Certified Level I:

Open to: Certified VPS Site Coordinators

Purpose: Empowering Site Coordinators to share internal VPS data in a meaningful and exciting way with their customers (PICU staff, Nursing leadership, PICU attendings, Quality Department and C-Suite).


12-month program of interactive virtual classes for no more than two hours per meeting.

Monthly assignments of projects that are “hands-on” actionable activities that will bring value to your internal customers.


VPS-Certified Level II:

All requirements for VPS-C I completed. Level II will contain an PICU based QI project from inception to completion.


VPS-Certified Level III:

All requirements for VPS-C I & II completed. Level III will contain a research project using your internal data or the VPS Comparative Dataset.


Requirements for All Levels:

  • Complete application for VPS University and submit to Nancy Brundage (nbrundage@myvps.org)
  • Attend informational meeting
  • Commitment to completing the class
  • Participate in group discussions and presentations within the class
  • Complete all activities required for the selected level of participation by the assigned due dates
  • Plan ahead and be proactive



  • Build a case for quality improvement
  • Promote quality care in the PICU
  • Improve presentation skills
  • Practice in a safe environment
  • Create value and excitement from your data
  • Provide cost-benefit data
  • Become VPS certified