

Leverage a Rich Source of Multi-Institutional Data for
Clinical Research Including AHRQ, PALISI and AAP

Leverage a Rich Source of Multi-Institutional Data for Clinical Research Including AHRQ, PALISI and AAP

-VPS has an active research community with more than 100 active research studies underway from over 35 participating children’s hospitals.
-Over 200 scientific publications have used VPS data in high-impact peer reviewed journals.

Five Calibrated Models for Morbidity and Mortality Prediction (PIM3, PRISM III, PRISM
IV, PICSIM, And PELOD) to Assess Severity of Illness and Organ Dysfunction

-New-morbidity functional status is an intermediate outcome towards mortality in the PICU. Knowledge of the morbidity status of a patient allows prevention of secondary injuries and to preserve function.
-Functional Status Score (FSS) and the PCOP/PCPC are available to assess morbidity.

How Do I Request VPS Data for Research?

Principal investigators must be from a VPS participating hospital. Researchers interested in using VPS data must first receive approval from their local IRB prior to receiving VPS data. In many instances, researchers receive an IRB exemption as a limited dataset is used.

If you an investigator interested in submitting a proposal for a VPS research project, please submit a written proposal that describes the study question and aims, design, research methods and timeline, along with the VPS data request form. This form must be completed, signed and emailed to the coordinator of the VPS research committee. See the VPS research policy for complete information regarding utilization of VPS data for research.

Dr. Michael Forbes on VPS Research:

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