
Research Requests

VPS is the largest research association in pediatric critical care in the world. Extensive research has been generated from, supported by and completed within VPS. As part of the original vision for VPS, support for pediatric critical care research has always been a primary motivator and most research requests are provided at no additional fee, compliments of VPS. VPS has an active research committee, chaired by Dr. Howard Jeffries, that reviews all research proposals, provides advice on the research design and methods, and provides ongoing support for how to interpret VPS data related to the study.

Principal investigators interested in using VPS data must first receive approval from their local IRB prior to receiving VPS data.

If you are an investigator from a VPS participating facility and are interested in submitting a proposal to utilize data from the VPS registry for a research project, please submit your research question/hypothesis to the VPS research committee; Nancy Brundage at