
Collaborative Uses of VPS Data

Impacting Healthcare

​VPS is proud to provide access to our extensive database to support efforts in research. VPS holds the largest research database in pediatric critical care in the world. As part of the original vision for VPS, support for pediatric critical care is a primary motivator and most research requests are provided at no additional fee, compliments of VPS.


Members of the VPS Community Can…

  • Implement policy and practice change in reducing the rate of unplanned extubations
  • Lead unit-based and multi-center improvement initiatives to reduce unnecessary delays in transfers
  • Modify staffing models to shift nursing and other support resources to peak activity times
  • Review the impact of selected strategic changes on care delivery
  • Support decision making development of an intermediate care (IMC) unit
  • Support expansion of admission criteria for patients cared for in the IMC
  • Utilize daily Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction data as a measure of patient acuity
  • Improve nursing resources through effective patient assignments
  • Signal the need to expand disaster readiness
  • Improve financial position and fiscal responsibility
  • Discover, analyze, and strategize how best to grow an outlying referral base – using custom myReports with referral physicians and referral hospitals
  • Monitor consistency of hospital billing systems capture of PICU admissions/procedures
  • Discover billing discrepancies leading to improved revenue
  • Meet reporting requirements to support hospital-wide requests
  • Develop customized comparative reports for insurance reimbursement qualifications
  • Document pediatric critical care core measures endorsed by the National Quality Forum
  • Generate standardized reports on-demand for accreditation activities
  • Research and unit-based Quality Improvement projects, compliance, and presentations
  • Study and revise care for patient populations from the ED and PACU/OR
  • Study the spectrum of a patient “sepsis” population in an effort to set up a new sepsis initiative
  • Track physician specific complications and evaluate service lines of CV surgery, Ortho, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, and more
  • Fulfill hospital required data such as data for OPPE, BMT Quality and regulatory data, CAUTI work, US News and World Report data, Joint commission, and other award data
  • Study trends for admissions of patients less than 30 days of age
  • Review to study delays in discharge/transfer and implement process improvement