

Compare your PICU to other PICUs with similar programs and/or unit size

Showcase accomplishments to your administration

Use our report as an internal report card and showcase to your C-Suite how well your PICU is performing.

Showcase improvement based on your QI project

Use your pre-built control charts to understand the impact of your work.

Improve weaknesses and highlight strengths in your PICU

Use our report as an internal report card and showcase to your C-Suite how well your PICU is performing.

Identify staffing needs to support morbidity or discharge planning

Track your morbidity over time, see how you benchmark against a reference group, and perform discharge planning using our reports.

Plan for the future – is your patient population getting sicker or growing rapidly ?

Track severity or illness over time and benchmark yourself against a reference group of your peer PICUs. Easily and quickly identify trends in patient populations and demographics.