


Estimate the financial impact of reclaiming nursing costs by reducing your ICU’s discharge delayDischarge delay is defined as the time between the decision that a patient is stable to leave the ICU (medical discharge) and the time that the patient physically leave the ICU (physical discharge).

Save Money by reclaiming nursing costs

Reducing discharge delay will reduce the length of hospitalization and allow you to reclaim your nursing costs.

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Powerful Scenario Analysis

Pick the scenario you want to run.  See the savings by reducing your discharge delay by a percentage or set your discharge delay to the comparative mean.

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See the Raw Data

Pick the scenario you want to run.  See the savings by reducing your discharge delay by a percentage or set your discharge delay to the comparative mean.

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Backed by Data From 200+ PICUs

Pick the scenario you want to run.  See the savings by reducing your discharge delay by a percentage or set your discharge delay to the comparative mean.

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Pick the scenario you want to run.  See the savings by reducing your discharge delay by a percentage or set your discharge delay to the comparative mean.

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