

Posters Utilizing VPS Data

VPS is the Only Way to Truly Benchmark Your PICU’s Performance as a
Fundamental Requirement for Quality Improvement


Spradley, Emily; Brintzenhoff, Rita; Rocio, Mata; Brown, Karla; Spangler, Lacey; Thompson, Kyle; Evans, Susan. Decreasing Time to Extubation with a COLLABORATIVE SPONTANEOUS BREATHING TRIAL ALGORITHM. Presented at SCCM January 21-23, 2024 Phoenix AZ.


Aldy K; Culbreth, R; Hantsch C; Mikhailov T; Brundage N; Wax P; Brent J. “Pediatric Risk of Mortality-III (PRISM III) and Pediatric Index of Mortality (PIM3) Scores among Pediatric Poisonings” has been accepted for a Platform Session at the 2023 ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting, 31st March 2023, San Diego, CA.     

Moderated Poster: Aldy K; Culbreth, R; Hantsch C; Mikhailov T; Brundage N; Wax P; Brent J. Medical Toxicology Consultations for Poisoned Children Managed in Pediatric Intensive Care Units. MT Annual Scientific Meeting, 31st March 2023, San Diego, CA.             


Killien E, Zahlan J, Lad H, Watson R, Vavilala M, Rivara F. Epidemiology and Outcomes of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome following Pediatric Trauma. Presented at:SCCM Annual Meeting; 2022; San Juan PR.             

Brennan M, Lindell RB, Nishisaki A, Fitzgerald J, Dziorny AC. Application of Machine Learning in a Linked Multi-Center Dataset: Classifying MODS in Septic Shock. Presented at: Society for Critical Care Medicine (Accepted). 2022 Feb; doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000812072.99453.0e.  

Nagpal A, Akande M, Muisyo T, Cutler J,  Anderson M, Allen C. Children’s Hospital’s are Associated with Improved Outcomes in PICU Patients with Sepsis. Presented at: Star Research Presentation; 2022. 

Nagpal A, Akande M, Muisyo T, Cutler J,  Anderson M, Allen C. Children’s Hospital’s are Associated with Improved Outcomes in PICU Patients with Sepsis. Presented at: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2022 Apr 20; San Juan PR (Virtual).           

Holton C, Lee B, Bauer P. 49: Admission PaO2 and Mortality Among Pediatric ICU Patients and Critically Ill Subgroups. Presented at: Society for Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan; San Juan PR (virtually).

Gill H, Kuhn E, Mikhailov T, Rice TB. Malnutrition and clinical outcomes in critically ill children on mechanical ventilation. Accepted for oral presentation at: ASPEN 2022 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference. 2022 Mar; Seattle, WA.          

Vendiola D, Kuhn E, Mikhailov T, Rice TB. Does malnutrition affect clinical outcomes in septic patients in the pediatric intensive care unit? Accepted for poster presentation at: ASPEN 2022 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference. 2022 Mar; Seattle, WA.      

Sirinti J, Kuhn E, Mikhailov T, Rice T. Is Preterm Birth a Risk Factor for Malnutrition? Accepted for oral presentation at: Pediactric Acedemic Society (PAS). 2022 Apr; Denver, CO.     

Fink D, Rose J, Dingeldein M, Slain K. Differences in Mortality by Race in Critically Injured Children with Traumatic Brain Injury. Presented at: SCCM Conference. 2022; San Juan PR, VIrtual Presentation.     

Lindell RB, Fitzgerald JC, Rowan CM, Flori HR, Di Nardo M, Napolitano N, Traynor DM, Lenz KB, Emeriaud G, Jeyapalan A, Nishisaki A. 510: Duration of Preintubation NIPPV is Associated with PICU Mortality in Immunocompromised Children. Presented at: SCCM Conference. 2022; San Juan PR, Virtual Presentation.   

Bhalla A, Kingdon T. Obesity and Severity of Illness in Pediatric Status Asthmaticus. Presented at: CHEST 2022; 2022 Oct 19.    

Gutzeit J, Pan A, Ruiz J, Simpson P, Mikhailov T. Pediatric Intensive Care Length of Stay for Asthma: Does Institution of Origin Contribute? Accepted for oral presentation at: Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting. 2022 Feb; San Juan, PR.

Gutzeit J, Pan A, Ruiz J, Simpson P, Mikhailov T. Pediatric Intensive Care Length of Stay for Asthma: Does Institution of Origin Contribute? Presented at: Academic Pediatric Association Regions 5 & 6 Conference 2022. 2022 Mar 4; Virtual.  

Gutzeit J, Pan A, Ruiz J, Simpson P, Mikhailov T. Pediatric Intensive Care Length of Stay for Asthma: Does Institution of Origin Contribute? Accepted for oral presentation at: Children’s Wisconsin 2022 Best Practices in Pediatrics. 2022 Jun 4; Wisconsin Dells, WI.        

Kim F, Newth CJ, Soto-Campos G, Palumbo J, Rice T. Pediatric Extubation Failure in the Modern Era. Presented at: ATS 2022. 2022 May 13-18; San Francisco, CA.   

Godsey C, Gabor R, Oelstrom MJ, Hagen S, Peterson JC, Taylor J, Mikhailov T. A Collaborative, Retrospective Study of Pediatric Critical Illness in Wisconsin During COVID-19. Accepted for oral presentation at: Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting. 2022 Feb; San Juan.       

Sachdeva R, Soto-Campos G, Brundage N, Rice T, Wetzel R. 492: Progression of RSV and Influenza Pediatric ICU Admissions by Geographic Regions in the U.S. Virtually presented at: SCCM. 2022;San Juan, PR.       

Palumbo J, Soto-Campos G, Rice T, Wetzel R. 515: Determining Risk Factors and Predicting Extubation Failure Using Historical Data. Virtually presented at: SCCM; 2022; San Juan, PR.    

Palumbo J, Soto-Campos G, Rice T, Wetzel R. 515: Determining Risk Factors and Predicting Extubation Failure Using Historical Data. Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan;50(1):249. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000808384.60486.86.             


Duga M, Ari JB, Yacou M, Cross C. Outcomes of Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis Necessitating Tracheal Intubation. Presented at: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2021 Jan.            

Schlueter D, Kovaleski C, Walter V, Thomas NJ, Krawiec C. Impact of Body Mass Index and Initial Respiratory Support on Pediatric Subjects in Acute Respiratory Failure. Presented at: SCCM Congress Research Snapshot; 2021.   

Mawby I, Chakraborty R, Pandya A, Mahajan S, Raina R. Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19 Pediatric Patients: Analysis of the Virtual Pediatric System Data. Abstract of a poster presented at: the virtual National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings. 2021 Apr 9; (Poster #16).   

Remer S, Gupta S, Sarode A, Speicher D, Slain K, Dingeldein M. Variations in ECMO Outcomes. Virtual Poster Presentation at: the 32nd Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Virtual 2021 Conference. 2021 Oct 1; Ann Arbor, MI.       

Fink D, Rose J, Dingeldein M, Slain K. Differences in Mortality by Race in a Cohort of Traumatically Injured Children Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Oral Presentation at: 2021 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition (Section on Critical Care); Virtual Conference. 2021 Oct 11; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.     

Keim G, Traynor D, Yehya N. Identifying Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Utilizing International Classification of Disease Codes. Paper Presented Virtually at: TP76. TP076 Pediatric Intensive Care and Interventional Pulmonology. American Thoracic Society. 2021; A3422.    

Palumbo J, Wetzel , Rice T, Soto-Campos G. A Predictive Model for Duration of Invasive Ventilation Using PIM3 and PRISM III Admisison Data. Virtually Presented at: SCCM; 2021Jan 31-Feb 12; Virtual Event.  


Mount M, Ji X, Kattan M, Slain K, Shein S. External Validation of the Critical Bronchiolitis Score for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Medicine. 2020 Jan;48(1);565.doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000643624.36275.5c.

Bhalala U, Guffey D, Thiagarajan R, Lasa J. STAR Research Presentations: Resuscitation 8: ECPR in the Pediatric Cardiac Population: Analysis from the Virtual Pediatric System Database. Presented at: Critical Care Medicine; 2020 Jan;48(1);4. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000618532.35039.18.   

Huff N, Slain K, Clayton J, Shein S. 333: Trends in Epidemiology of Critically Ill Children in a Large National Database in the United States. Paper presented at: SCCM Critical Care Congress; 2020.            

Moffitt C, Slain K, Deakins K, Speicher R, Shein S. 1177: Negative Pressure Ventilation in Pediatric Critical Care: Historical and Current Role and Implications for Future Study https://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/Fulltext/2020/01001/1177__EPIDEMIOLOGY_AND_OUTCOMES_OF.1135.aspx  Epidemiology and Outcomes of Negative-pressure Ventilation Use in a Multicenter PICU Dataset [abstract]. Abstract presented at: SCCM; 2020 Feb 17.

Sachdeva R, Rice T, Soto-Campos G, Palumbo J, Brundage N, Reisner B, Wetzel R. 1273: Regional Variations in Pediatric Intensive Care Outcomes and Patterns of Use in the United States [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2020 Jan;48(1):613. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000645008.03082.ae.             

Tripathi, S. Description of current practice of tracheostomy after respiratory ECMO in children and review of outcomes benefit for early tracheostomy. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine.February 16, 2020. Orlando, FL.

Negative Pressure Ventilation in Pediatric Critical Care: Historical and Current Role and Implications for Future Study Abstract presentation at SCCM 2/17/20 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND OUTCOMES OF NEGATIVE PRESSURE VENTILATION USE IN A MULTICENTER PICU DATASET Moffitt, Cynthia1,,2; Slain, Katherine3; Deakins, Kathleen4; Speicher, Richard5; Shein, Steven2Author Information Critical Care Medicine: January 2020 – Volume 48 – Issue 1 – p 566 doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000643632.21028.4a


Lindell RB, Nishisaki A, Weiss SL, Traynor DM, Fitzgerald JC. Risk of mortality in immunocompromised children with severe sepsis and septic shock. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Congress, San Diego, CA. February 18, 2019. [received Silver Snapshot Award]

Lindell RB, Fitzgerald JC, Nishisaki A, Traynor DM, Weiss SL. Predictive Validity of Mortality Prediction
Scores in Pediatric Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual
Congress, San Diego, CA. February 18, 2019.

An abstract was presented at PAS in Baltimore April 27-28th, 2019. A third complete draft of the
manuscript is being circulated to all co-authors, and will be submitted to VPS for internal review within
the ~1 mth, & we anticipate submitting to Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.

SCCM. 2019 titled “The Burden of Gun Violence in Pediatric Intensive Care Units in the United States,”
is #392 McCluskey C, Slain K, Shein S, and Rotta A. Characterization of Critical Self-Harm Among Children in the United States. Presentation at the 2019 Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Congress; San Diego, California Presented at PCICS November 2019, London, England.


Shein SL. Treatment and Outcomes of PICU Bronchiolitis. SCCM Conference. February 2018.

1. PAS in Toronto 2. WFPICCS in Singapore. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto,
Canada. May 6, 2018 9th Congress of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies, Singapore. June 12, 2018

Oral Presentation
Soto-Campos G, Kim F. Timing of Extubation Failure in Pediatric Intensive Care Units. SMMC.
February 2018.

Shein S.Validation and Refining of the Critical Bronchiolitis Score. PALISI. September 5-8, 2018.
Boston, MA. Soto-Campos G, Palumbo J. Recalibration of the Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) Model Using the VPS Dataset. SMMC. February 2018.

Heat Map, a Visual Tool for Comparative Analytics, by Jamie Palumbo, Randall Wetzel, and Gerardo Soto-Campos, at the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). San Francisco , CA. November 3-7, 2018

Zinter MS, Logan B, Zhu X, Sapru A. Improved Mortality Prognostication for Critically Ill Pediatric
Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients: Results from a Virtual Pediatric Systems (VPS) and Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) Database Merger.


Tandem Meeting . February 2017. Oral Platform under the category “Best Pediatric Abstracts” at the ASBMT/CIBMTR Tandem Meeting on 2/22/2017.

Peters C, Gorges M, Murthy S, Kissoon N. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Criteria and Mortality in Children: Time for a New Definition? Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease and Critical Care. 2017.

Peters C, Gorges M, Murthy S, Kissoon N. Sepsis in Children: Time for a New Definition? .
Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Day. May 2017.

Peters C, Gorges M, Murthy S, Kissoon N. Sepsis in Children: Time for a New Definition? . The
American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 2017.

Peters C, Gorges M, Murthy S, Kissoon N. Sepsis in Children: Time for a New Definition? . Annual
Trainee Research Forum Poster Presentation. June 2017.

Balakrishnan B, Zhang L, Simpson PM, Hanson SJ. Impact of Timing of Placement of Intracranial
Pressure Monitor on Outcomes in Children with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. PTS 2017 Conference . 2017.
Faustino EV, Shabanova V. Phenotypic Clusters of Organ Failure in Critically Ill Children. SCCM
Annual Meeting. January 2017.

Tjoeng Y. Association Between Race and Illness Severity in Children undergoing Cardiac Surgery.
World Congress for Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery (WCPCCS). July 2017.


Flynn-O’Brien K, Fallat M, Rice T, et al. Pediatric Trauma Assessment and Management Database:
Leveraging Existing Data Systems to Predict Mortality and Functional Status after Pediatric Injury.
October 2016.

Ross PA, Newth CJ, Leung D, et al. Association Of Body Habitus On Outcome For Mechanically
Ventilated Children With Respiratory Failure. Pediatrics. 2016;137(3). Publication Number: A2609, e20152035, Poster Board # 314 Zinter MS, Logan B, Zhu X, Sapru A. Improved Mortality Prognostication for Critically Ill Pediatric
Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients: Results from a Virtual Pediatric Systems (VPS) and Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) Database Merger. VPS User
Conference. September 2016.

Heneghan JA, Lansell A, Domowicz DL, Shein SL. Intensive Care Unit Readmissions Among Children
with Tracheostomies Placed Following Cardiac Arrest. Pediatrics. 2016;137:258A-258A.

doi:10.1542/peds.137.Supplement_3.258A. For presentation at ASH national meeting Halvorson EE, Case D, Skelton JA, McCrory MC. Vascular Access in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients
With Obesity. 2016 May;

PAS Poster Presentation.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries H, et al. Association of 24/7 In-House Intensive Care Unit Attending
Physician Coverage with Outcomes in Children Undergoing Heart Operations. Presented at the Fiftysecond Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Phoenix, Arizona, January 23-27, 2016.

Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries HE, Brundage N, Markovitz BP, Scanlon MC, Simsic JM. Association of 24/7 In-house ICU Attending Coverage with Outcomes in Children Undergoing Heart Operations. Ann Thorac Surg. (Accepted for Publication, In Press).

Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Jun 18. pii: S0003-4975(16)30372-1. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.04.042.
[Epub ahead of print] 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.04.042. Presented At STS(2016)Jan. Phoenix, AZ.

Bagdure D. The impact of dedicated CICU’s on Outcomes in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A VPS
Database Analysis. PCICS. December 2016.


Markovitz B, Soto-Campos G, Khemani R., The Relationship Between PICU Volume And Outcome: An Updated Analysis. Poster Presentation at SCCM 43rd Crit Care Congress Flynn-O’Brien K. Pediatric Trauma Assessment and Management Database: Leveraging Existing Data Systems to Predict Mortality and Functional Status after Pediatric Injury. October 2015. The Organization of Children’s Hospitals Surgeons in Chief Meeting.

Flynn-O’Brien K, Fallat M, Rice T, et al. Pediatric Trauma Assessment and Management Database:
Leveraging Existing Data Systems to Predict Mortality and Functional Status after Pediatric Injury.
November 2015.

Flynn-O’Brien KT, Fallat ME, Rice TB. Improving Risk-Adjusted Mortality Modeling in Pediatric Trauma with a Novel Dataset. October 2015.

Gupta P, Tang X, Gossett JM, Gall C, Lauer C, Rice T, Wetzel RC. Variation of Ventilation Practices
with Center Volume after Pediatric Heart Surgery. Society of Critical Care Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona
(January 17-21, 2015).

Field-Ridley A, Dharmar M, Steinhorn D, McDonald C. ICU-Acquired Weakness Is Associated With
Differences in Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Children. 2015.

Gupta P, Tang X, Gall CM, Lauer C, Rice TB, Wetzel RC. Epidemiology and Outcomes of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Critically Ill Children across Hospitals of Varied Center Volume. Presented at Society of Critical Care Meeting, January 17-21, 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona. Awarded 2015 CPR/Resuscitation Specialty Award.

Russell RA, Boucher L, Panchal AK, Mikhailov TA. Validation of Vasoactive Inotropic Score in Pediatric
Patients after Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Pediatric Academic Societies Conference. April 2015.

Munoz, D, Bastian, N, & Ventura, M A Workflow Assessment for a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A
Mixed-Methods Approach.


Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference Y. Guan and H. Liao,eds.

Toltzis P, Soto-Campos G, Kuhn E, Wetzel R. A Pediatric Triage Scheme to Guide Resource Allocation in a Mass Casualty. Poster Presentation, SCCM 43rd Crit Care Congress, 2014 Jeffries H, Russell R, Rice T, Soto-Campos G, Wetzel R, The Development of the Pediatric Index of Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Mortality (PICSIM) Score.

Oral Presentation at SCCM 43rd Crit Care
Congress 2014 Gupta P, Tang X, Gossett JM, Gall CM, Lauer C, Rice TB, Carroll CL, Kacmarek RM, Wetzel RC.


Association of Center Volume with Outcomes in Critically Ill Children with Acute Asthma. American
Thoracic Society Meeting, San Diego, California. (May 16-21, 2014). Coro M, Spaeder M, Futterman C. Unplanned pediatric admissions to cardiac intensive care Clinical features and outcomes. Critical Care Medicine. December 2013.

Poster Session: Epidemiology/Outcomes 14: PDF Only Wakeman M, Kuhn E, Lee J, McCrory M, Scanlon M. Use of Tracheostomy in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Among Patients Requiring Long Term Mechanical Ventilation.SCCM Poster Presentation January 2013


Edwards J, Houtrow A, Vasilevskis E, Dudley R, Okumura M. Children Initiated on Chronic Respiratory Technologies and an Analysis of Their Risk Factors. Oral Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic
Societies, 4/28/2012. E-PAS2012:3470.6.

Khandhar P, Kuhn E, Murkowski K, Scanlon M. 24/7 PICU Attending Coverage Not Associated With
Improved outcomes. SMMC. 2012. Poster Presentation

Gaies, M., Gurney, J., Charpie, J., Hirsh, J., Thiagarjan, R., Niebler, R., Ghanayem, N., Jeffries, H.,
Validation of the Vasoactive-Inotropic Score as a Predictor of Morbidity and Mortality in Children after
Cardiopulmonary Bypass, VIS – CTSA Consortium, 8/2012

Keller SR, Totapally B, Huddleston K, et al. Effects of Rapid Response system on Pediatric
Cardiopulmonary Arrests OUtside Intensive Care Units: A Multi-Institutional Study. NACHRI PICU
Focus Group. 2012.


Ghuman, A, Newth, C, Khemani, R. Gender Differences in Septic Shock in Pre-pubertal and Postpubertal Children: Society of Critical Care Annual Conference Presentation Jan 2011

Markovitz B, Khemani R. PICU Volume and Outcome: A Complex Relationship. World Congress of Pediatric Critical Care, Sydney, Australia, March 7-10, 2011 Faustino EV, Hanson SJ, Lawson KA, Higgerson RA. Duration of Central Venous Line is Not Associated with Increased Deep Venous Thrombosis in Critically Ill Childre. PAS. 2011.

Niedner, M., Huskins, C., Colantuoni, E., Muschelli, J., Harris II, M., Rice, T., Brilli, R., & Miller, M.
(2011). Epidemiology of central line–associated bloodstream infections in the pediatric intensive care unit. The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, 32(12), 1200-1208. doi: 10.1086/662621


Edwards J, Houtrow A, Rehm R, Markovitz B, Graham R, Dudley RA. The Impace of Complex Chronic conditions on Children Admitted to a National Sample of U.S. PICUs. 2010.

Poster Presentation
Carroll C, Karamessinis L, Sala K, Tang Y, Spinella P, Zucker A; Respiratory Failure in Children with
Status Asthmaticus: A Review of the Virtual PICU Database, ATS

Gall CM, Jeffries HE, Lee JY, Kuhn EM, Wetzel RC, Rice TB. Development of a new method to risk
adjust outcomes for cardiac critical care patients. SCCM. 2010.

Poster Presentation
Epstein, D., Wong, C., Khemani R., et al. Health Insurance, Not Race/Ethnicity, is Associated with
Mortality in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) SCCM Oral Presentation at the 39th Critical Care
Congress (Jan 2010)

Meyer MT, Kuhn EM, Collins MM, Scanlon MC.
Assessing Pediatric Outcomes for Interfacility Transport Into the Pedatric Intensive Care Unit by Team Type and Mode of Transport. SMMC. 2010.


Scanlon M, Rice T, Sedehi L, Wetzel R. The VPS Database – A Multi-Institutional Pediatric Critical Care Registry. (2009) The 20th ESPNIC Medical & Nursing Annual Congress, of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care. Verona, Italy

Gorman M, Sachdeva R, Rice T, Wetzel R., Support for PICUs and the PRISM scoring algorithms, Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2009 Jan;10(1):143-4. Mentioned in the “To the Editor” section Goday P, Vermilyea S, Kuhn E, Otto M, Mikhailov T. Admission anthropometric measures and outcomes in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) [abstract]. Presented as a poster at Clinical Nutrition Week 2009.

JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 33(2):237-8, 2009
Sachdeva, R, Rice, T, Mikhailov, T, Gall, C. Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness Through Quality and Performance Improvement Initiatives. NACHRI 2009 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 2009.

Sachdeva, R, Rice, T, Wetzel, R, Gorman, M. Comparative Effectiveness: Embracing Bold Actions to Improve Outcomes for Children. NACHRI 2009 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 2009.

Markovitz B, Khemani R. Severity-Adjusted Mortality and PICU Volume: Role of Reason for
Admission. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, San Francisco October 2009.


Goday P, Kuhn E, Sachdeva R Mikhailov T. Does admission weight influence mortality and morbidity in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)? Oral presentation at Clinical Nutrition Week 2008.

Parenter Enteral Nutr 32:316-7, 2008
Gorman, MK, Rice, TB, Christie, LM. Becoming a Champion of Children’s Health Through NACHRI
Analytics. NACHRI 2008 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2008.

Lee K, Tieves K, Scanlon M, Alterations in Support at the End of Life in the Pediatric Intensive Care
Unit: A Multi-Institutional Descriptive Study. Critical Care Congress, Society of Critical Care Medicine,
Honolulu, HI – 02/2008


Markovitz B, Bratton S, Randolph A. Epidemiology of Status Asthmaticus in the PICU. Society of
Critical Care Medicine’s 35th Critical Care Congress, San Francisco, CA, January 9, 2006.

Matchey J, Scanlon MC, Tieves KS, Rice TB., Organ and Tissue Consent and Donation Patterns in Pediatric ICUs. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, February 2006.

Awarded the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 2006 Educational Scholarship Award.
Sachdeva R; Wetzel R; Gorman M; Rice, T. Public Reporting of Outcomes, Medical Malpractice
Trends, and Pediatric Intensive Care in the U.S. [abstract]. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006;7(5):515.

Sachdeva RC., Rice TB., Enhancing Transparency and Communication to Improve Quality. NACHRI
2006 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, October 2006.

McArthur JA, Scanlon MC, Tieves KS. Outcomes of Pediatric Oncology and Hematopoetic Stem Cell
Transplant Patients Admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Units . 2006.


Tieves, K, Scanlon, M, Rice, T, Havens, P, Outcome of Pediatric Patients with Head Injury: Center
differences in mortality and functional outcome at PICU Discharge. Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium,
New York, New York, September 2004. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2005; 6(1) p.118.

Kane J, Tieves K, Scanlon M, Klem S, Rice T. Admission Time and Mortality in Patients Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit [abstract]. Poster Presentation Society of Critical Care Medicine 34th Critical Care Conference, Phoenix, AZ. USA. Jan 115-19, 2005. Poster Presentation:
Epdemiology/Outcomes Peditatrics 1. Crit Care Med 2004; 32(12) Supplement: A85.

Scanlon, M. C., Tieves, K. S., Wetzel, R., Rice, T. B. Application of Pediatric Critical Care Quality
Indicators to a PICU Clinical Database. Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium, New York, New York,
September 2004. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2005; 6 (1) p. 104.