Abstracts Utilizing VPS Data
VPS is the Only Way to Truly Benchmark Your PICU’s Performance as a
Fundamental Requirement for Quality Improvement
Ettinger, N., Guffey, D., Anum, S., Fasipe, T., Katkin, J., Bhar, S., … & Tubman, V. (2024). 807: MORTALITY AND RESPIRATORY FAILURE FOR CHILDREN WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE ADMITTED TO US PICUS. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S376.
Rogerson, C., White, B., Abu-Sultaneh, S., Hogan, A., Waldo, B., Smith, M., … & Shein, S. (2024). 673: INSTITUTIONAL VARIABILITY IN RESPIRATORY SUPPORT MODALITIES FOR PEDIATRIC ASTHMA. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S309
Havlicek, E., Palumbo, J., Soto-Campos, G., Goldenberg, N., & Sochet, A. (2024). 48: MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM RISK: A MULTICENTER, RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S24.
McCrory M, Slain K, Grunwell J, Rogerson C, Zurca A, Winter M, Kennedy C, Woodruff A, Wakeham M, Dziorny A, Xin Huang J, Garg A, Pinto N, Maddux A, Saha A, Sharma M, Stottlemyre M, Barnack K, Akande M. 780: CHILD OPPORTUNITY INDEX AND PICU OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN WITH ASTHMA. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S362, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0001001288.64079.7c
Spradley, Emily1; Brintzenhoff, Rita1; Rocio, Mata1; Brown, Karla1; Spangler, Lacey2; Thompson, Kyle1; Evans, Susan3. 1215: DECREASING TIME TO EXTUBATION WITH A COLLABORATIVE SPONTANEOUS BREATHING TRIAL ALGORITHM. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S579, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0001003024.76697.7f
Roller MD, Panchal A, Duesing L, Mikhailov TA. Incidence of opioid-induced constipation in the pediatric intensive care unit: a descriptive cohort study. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2024; 48: 354-359. doi:10.1002/jpen.2592
Rajzer-Wakeham, K, Andres J, Balakrishnan B, Wakeham M. 1290: A QI PROJECT TO DECREASE CT HEAD IMAGING IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH DKA AND ALTERED MENTAL STATUS. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S617, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0001003324.85161.d2
Sachdeva, R., Soto-Campos, G., Palumbo, J., Rice, T., & Wetzel, R. (2024). 1277: NATIONAL COMPARISON OF PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE OUTCOMES BASED ON LEVEL OF CARE. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S610.
Soto-Campos, G., Palumbo, J., Rice, T., & Wetzel, R. (2024). 709: RISK FACTOR SELECTION BY BOOTSTRAP TO DETERMINE VARIABLES FOR A NEW MORBIDITY RISK SCORE. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S327.
O’Brien, K., Gunasekera, A., Morphew, T., & Babbitt, C. (2024). 874: WHICH OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS ARE MOST ASSOCIATED WITH HFNC FAILURE IN BRONCHIOLITIS?. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S410.
Napolitano, N., An, Y., Traynor, D., Kelly, N. A., Emeriaud, G., & Nishisaki, A. (2024). 668: COMPLEX FAILURE OF NIV IN CHILDREN: LOOKING BEYOND INTUBATION TO CLINICALLY MEANINGFUL OUTCOMES. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S307.
Glau, C., Conlon, T., Mehta, S., Himebauch, A., Kelly, N. A., Traynor, D., … & Nishisaki, A. (2024). 900: HEMODYNAMIC POINT-OF-CARE ULTRASOUND IN PEDIATRIC SEPSIS IS ASSOCIATED WITH DECREASED FLUID OVERLOAD. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S422.
Dixon, K., Glau, C., Nishisaki, A., Rosenblatt, S., Traynor, D., Kirchner, V., … & Keim, G. (2024). 334: ASSOCIATION OF EXTUBATION TIMING AND TREATMENT FAILURE AFTER SUCCESSFUL EXTUBATION READINESS TRIAL. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S142.
Dominick, C., Rolfe, A., Oldehoff, L., Griffin, R., Traynor, D., Oxenreiter, A., … & Nishisaki, A. (2024). 733: IDENTIFYING PATIENTS AT RISK FOR UNPLANNED EXTUBATION. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S339.
Nigri, Daniel1; Huang, Ruiqi2; Newth, Christopher2; Ross, Patrick2; Castro, Cristina2; Laksana, Eugene3; Flynn, Alysia2; Aczon, Melissa3; Winter, Meredith4. 878: CONTINUOUS VAPORIZED L-EPINEPHRINE FOR CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIOLITIS. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S411, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0001001680.11170.4f
Sivakumar, M., LaPointe, J., Oelstrom, M., Hooper, E., Fernandez, E., Napa, B., & Fernandes, N. (2024). 792: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF NIV-NAVA UTILIZATION IN CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIOLITIS ADMITTED TO THE PICU. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S368.
Ranucci, Alex1; Karpinski, Aryn2; Sciacca, David3; Tedesco, Karen3; Desselle, Bonnie4; Phelps, Kayla4. 302: CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE FIRST: A DEEP DIVE INTO ONE PICU’S HEALTH DISPARITIES USING EHR AND VPS DATA. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S126, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000999396.00851.78
Lane, A., Webb, L., Hallman, M., & Hayes, L. (2024). 790: TISS-28 SCORES TO PREDICT PICU OUTCOMES IN CHILDREN WITH COMPLEX CHRONIC CONDITIONS: A PILOT STUDY. Critical Care Medicine, 52(1), S367.
Lenz, K. B., Nishisaki, A., Lindell, R. B., Yehya, N., Laverriere, E. K., Bruins, B. B., … & Fitzgerald, J. C. (2023). Peri-intubation adverse events in the critically ill child after hematopoietic cell transplant. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 24(7), 584-593.
Killien EY, Zahlan JM, Lad H, Watson RS, Vavilala MS, Huijsmans RLN, Rivara FP. Epidemiology and Outcomes of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome following Pediatric Trauma [abstract]. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Apr 1;doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003616. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35358103.
Brennan M, Lindell RB, Nishisaki A, Fitzgerald J, Dziorny AC. Application of Machine Learning in a Linked Multi-Center Dataset: Classifying MODS in Septic Shock [abstract]. Society for Critical Care Medicine (Accepted). 2022 Feb; doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000812072.99453.0e.
Nagpal A, Akande M, Muisyo T, Cutler J, Anderson M, Allen C. Children’s Hospital’s are Associated with Improved Outcomes in PICU Patients with Sepsis [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan;50(1):30. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000806704.85710.54.
Holton C, Lee B, Bauer P. 49: Admission PaO2 and Mortality Among Pediatric ICU Patients and Critically Ill Subgroups [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan;50(1):25. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000806660.40383.aa.
Fink D, Dingeldein M, Rose JA, Slain KN. Differences in Mortality by Race in a Cohort of Traumatically Injured Children Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit [abstract]. Pediatrics. 2022 Feb 23;149:400
Lindell RB, Fitzgerald JC, Rowan CM, Flori HR, Di Nardo M, Napolitano N, Traynor DM, Lenz KB, Emeriaud G, Jeyapalan A, Nishisaki A. 510: Duration of Preintubation NIPPV is Associated with PICU Mortality in Immunocompromised Children [Abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan;50(1):246. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000808364.71604.3e.
Kingdon T*, Ross P, Newth CJL, Bhalla A. Obesity and Severity of Illness in Pediatric Status Asthmaticus. Chest. 2022; 162(4) S: A771.).
Gutzeit J, Ruiz J, Pan A, Mikhailov T, Simpson, P. 520: Pediatric intensive care length of stay for asthma: Does institution of origin contribute? [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2022;50(1), 251.
Sachdeva R, Soto-Campos G, Brundage N, Rice T, Wetzel R. 492: Progression of RSV and Influenza Pediatric ICU Admissions by Geographic Regions in the U.S. [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan;50(1):237. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000808292.80046.92.
Palumbo J, Soto-Campos G, Rice T, Wetzel R. 515: Determining Risk Factors and Predicting Extubation Failure Using Historical Data [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2022;50(1):24.
Palumbo J, Soto-Campos G, Rice T, Wetzel R. 515: Determining Risk Factors and Predicting Extubation Failure Using Historical Data. Critical Care Medicine. 2022 Jan;50(1):249. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000808384.60486.86.
Duga M, Ari JB, Yacou M, Cross C. Outcomes of Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis Necessitating Tracheal Intubation [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2021 Jan; 49(1):218. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000727708.56832.a9.
Mawby I, Ronith C, Aadi P, Sarisha M, Rupesh R. Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19 Pediatric Patients: Analysis of the Virtual Pediatric System Data [abstract]. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2021;p 625. doi: https://doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.02.192.
Palumbo J, Wetzel , Rice T, Soto-Campos G. A Predictive Model for Duration of Invasive Ventilation Using PIM3 and PRISM III Admisison Data [abstract]. Crit Care Med. 2021;49(1):245. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000727916.13712.ad.
Tripathi S, Swayampakula AK, Deshpande GG, Michele A, Wang Y, Welke KF. Illustration of the Current Practice and Outcome Comparison of Early Versus Late Tracheostomy After Pediatric ECMO [abstract]. Int J Artif Organs. 2020 Mar 31;43(11). [Epub ahead of print] doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0391398820913571
Moffitt C, Slain K, Deakins K, Speicher R, Shein S. 1177: Negative Pressure Ventilation in Pediatric Critical Care: Historical and Current Role and Implications for Future Study https://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/Fulltext/2020/01001/1177__EPIDEMIOLOGY_AND_OUTCOMES_OF.1135.aspx Epidemiology and Outcomes of Negative-pressure Ventilation Use in a Multicenter PICU Dataset [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2020 Jan;48(1):566. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000643632.21028.4a.
Sachdeva R, Rice T, Soto-Campos G, Palumbo J, Brundage N, Reisner B, Wetzel R. 1273: Regional Variations in Pediatric Intensive Care Outcomes and Patterns of Use in the United States [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2020 Jan;48(1):613. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000645008.03082.ae.
Lindell R, Nishisaki A, Weiss S, Traynor D, Fitzgerald J. 1679: Risk of Mortality in Immunocompromised Children With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2019 Jan;47(1):813. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000552418.70667.98.
McCluskey CK, Allareddy V, Rampa S, Allareddy V, Rotta AT. Characterization of Suicide and Deliberate Self-Harm Among Children in the United States [abstract]. Clinical Pediatrics (Phila). 2019 Jan;58(1):66-72. doi: 10.1177/0009922818806313. Epub 2018 Oct 19.
Palumbo J, Wetzel R, Soto-Campos G. A Model of New Morbidity in the ICU Based on PIM3 and PRISM III Factors and Functional Status Score [abstract]. Critical Care Medicine. 2019;48(1)245. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000727916.13712.ad.
Balakrishnan B, Zhang L, Simpson P, Hanson S. Impact of the Timing of Placement of an Intracranial
Pressure Monitor on Outcomes in Children with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Pediatr Neurosurg
Mikhailov T, Gertz S, Kuhn E, Scanlon M, Rice T, Goday P. Early Enteral Nutrition Is Associated with
Significantly Lower Hospital Charges in Critically Ill Children. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2018; 1–6 C DOI: 10.1002/jpen.1025
Bigelow A, Flynn-O’Brien K, Simpson P, Dasgupta M, Hanson S. Multicenter Review of Current
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Tran M, Shein S, Ji X, Ahuja S. Identification of a “VTE-rich” population in pediatrics – Critically ill
children with Central Venous Catheters. Thrombosis Research. 2018;161:73-77.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Shinkawa T, Gossett JM, Brundage N, Jeffries HE, Bertrandt R. Reclassifying by
highest complexity operation rather than first operation influences mortality after pediatric heart surgery.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Jul 18. pii: S0022-5223(18)31780-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2018.06.035.
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Peters C, Murthy S, Brant R, Kissoon N, Görges M. Mortality Risk Using a Pediatric Quick Sequential
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Halvorson E, Case D, Skelton J, McCrory MC Vascular Access in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients With
Obesity. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2018;19(1):1-8. doi:10.1097/PCC.0000000000001368.
Hill G, Ghanayem N, Hraska V, Jacobsen R, Mitchell M, Woods R, Ginde S. (2018). Variation in the
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Balkin E, Steurer M, Delagnes E, et al. Multicenter Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Pulmonary
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Balkin E, Zinter M, Rajagopal S, Keller R, Fineman J, Steurer M. Intensive Care Mortality Prognostic
Model for Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2018 June 19. [Epub ahead of
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Gosset J, Daufeldt J, Rice T, Wetzel R. Development and Validation of an
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2018;46(1):108-115. doi:0.1097/CCM.0000000000002753. [Epub ahead of print 2017 Oct 6]
Reiter PD, Roth J, Wathen B, Lavelle J, Ridall LA. Low-Dose Epinephrine Boluses for Acute
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Original Article First Online: 21 November 2016
McCrory M, Spaeder M, Gower E, Nakagawa T, et al. Time of Admission to the PICU and Mortality.
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Gall C, Wetzel R, Kolker A, Kanter R. Pediatric Triage in a Severe Pandemic: Maximizing Survival by
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Flynn-O’Brien K, Fallat M, Rice T, Rivera R. Improving Risk-Adjusted Mortality Modeling in Pediatric
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Coro M, Spaeder M, Penk J, Levin A, Futterman C. Unscheduled Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Admissions in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Features and Outcomes. World Journal
for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. 2016; 7(4): 454-459. doi: 10.1177/2150135116648308.
Meyer M, Mikhailov T, Kuhn E, Collins M, Scanlon M. Pediatric Specialty Transport Teams are not
Associated with Decreased 48-Hour Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Mortality: A Propensity Analysis of
the VPS, LLC Database. Air Medical Journal. 2016;35(2): 73-78. doi:
Field-Ridley A, Dharmar M, Steinhorn D, McDonald C, Marcin J. ICU-Acquired Weakness is
Associated with Differences in Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Children. Pediatr Crit Care Med.
2016;17(1):53-7. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000538.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Rice T, Wetzel R. Impact of 24/7 In-Hospital Intensivist Coverage on Outcomes
in Pediatric Intensive Care: A Multi-Center Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Jul 1. [Epub ahead
of print]. doi:10.1164/rccm.201512-2456OC.
McCrory M, Lee K, Scanlon M, Wakeham M. Predictors of need for mechanical ventilation at discharge
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Edwards J, Houtrow A, Vasilevskis E, et al. Children and Young Adults who Receive Tracheostomies or
were Intubated on Long Term Ventilation in the Pediatric ICU. PCCM. 2016; 17(8): e324-34. doi:
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Gossett J, Yeh J. Risk factors for mechanical ventilation and reintubation after
Pediatric Heart Surgery. Journal Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery. 2016;151(2):451-458.
doi:10.1016/j.jtcvs.2015.09.080. Epub 2015 Sep 28
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries H, Rice T. Epidemiology of Reintubation Among Children Undergoing
Heart Operations of Varying Complexity. Critical Care Medicine. 2016;44(12):126.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries H, et al. Association of 24/7 In-house ICU Attending Coverage with
Outcomes in Children Undergoing Heart Operations. Ann Thorac Surg. (Accepted for Publication, In
Press). Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Jun 18. [Epub ahead of print]. doi:
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Rice T, Wetzel R. Impact of 24/7 In-Hospital Intensivist Coverage on Outcomes
in Pediatric Intensive Care. A Multicenter Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine. 2016;194(12). doi:10.1164/rccm.201512-2456OC .
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries H, et al. Risk Factors and Outcomes of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Following Pediatric Heart Operations of Varying Complexity. Resuscitation. 2016 May 13;105:1-7.
[Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2016.04.022.
Gupta P, Tang X, Rettiganti M, et al. Association of House Staff Training with Mortality in Children with
Critical Illness. Acta Paediatrica. 2016;105(2): e60–e66, doi: 10.1111/apa.13223.
Ross P, Newth C, Leung D, Wetzel R, Khemani R. Obesity and Mortality Risk in Critically Ill Children.
Pediatrics. 2016;137(3):e20152035. Epub 2016 Feb 16. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-2035.
Gupta P, Richardson T, Hall M, et al. Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide on Outcomes in Children with Acute
Lung Injury: Propensity Matched Analysis from a Linked Database. Crit Care Med. 2016 May 9. [Epub
ahead of print]. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001837.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Fisher P, Chang A, Rice T, Wetzel R. Association of Freestanding Children’s
Hospitals with Outcomes in Children with Critical Illness. Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug 4. [Epub ahead of
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Markovitz B, Kukuyeva I, Soto-Campos G, Khemani R. PICU Volume and Outcome: A SeverityAdjusted Analysis. PCCM. 2016;17(6):483-9. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000697.
Gupta P, Tang X, Rettiganti M, et al. Association of House Staff Training with Mortality in Children with
Critical Illness. Acta Paediatrica. 2016;105(2): e60–e66, doi: 10.1111/apa.13223.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Fisher P, Chang A, Rice T, Wetzel R. Association of Freestanding Children’s
Hospitals with Outcomes in Children with Critical Illness. Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug 4. [Epub ahead of
print]. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000001961.
Coro M, Spaeder M, Penk J, Levin A, Futterman C. Unscheduled Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Admissions in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Features and Outcomes. World Journal
for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. 2016; 7(4): 454-459. doi: 10.1177/2150135116648308.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Rice T, Wetzel R. Impact of 24/7 In-Hospital Intensivist Coverage on Outcomes
in Pediatric Intensive Care: A Multi-Center Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Jul 1. [Epub ahead
of print]. doi:10.1164/rccm.201512-2456OC.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries H, et al. Association of 24/7 In-house ICU Attending Coverage with
Outcomes in Children Undergoing Heart Operations. Ann Thorac Surg. (Accepted for Publication, In
Press). Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Jun 18. [Epub ahead of print].
Edwards J, Houtrow A, Vasilevskis E, et al. Children and Young Adults who receive tracheostomies or
were intubated on Long Term Ventilation in the Pediatric ICU. PCCM. 2016; 17(8): e324-34. doi:
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Jeffries H, et al. Risk Factors and Outcomes of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Following Pediatric Heart Operations of Varying Complexity. Resuscitation. 2016 May 13;105:1-7.
[Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2016.04.022.
Gupta P, Richardson T, Hall M, et al. Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide on Outcomes in Children with Acute
Lung Injury: Propensity Matched Analysis from a Linked Database. Crit Care Med. 2016 May 9. [Epub
ahead of print]. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001837.
Markovitz B, Kukuyeva I, Soto-Campos G, Khemani R. PICU Volume and Outcome: A SeverityAdjusted Analysis. PCCM. 2016;17(6):483-9. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000697.
Meyer M, Mikhailov T, Kuhn E, Collins M, Scanlon M. Pediatric Specialty Transport Teams are not
Associated with Decreased 48-Hour Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Mortality: A Propensity Analysis of
the VPS, LLC Database. Air Medical Journal. 2016;35(2): 73-78.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amj.2015.12.003.
Ross P, Newth C, Leung D, Wetzel R, Khemani R. Obesity and Mortality Risk in Critically Ill
Children. Pediatrics. 2016;137(3):e20152035. Epub 2016 Feb 16. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-2035.
Gupta P, Tang X, Rettiganti M, et al. Association of House Staff Training with Mortality in Children with
Critical Illness. Acta Paediatrica. 2016;105(2): e60–e66, doi: 10.1111/apa.13223.
Gupta P, Rettiganti M, Gossett J, et al. Risk factors for Mechanical Ventilation and Reintubation After
Pediatric Heart Surgery. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2016;151(2):451 –
458.e3 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtcvs.2015.09.080.
Field-Ridley A, Dharmar M, Steinhorn D, McDonald C, Marcin J. ICU-Acquired Weakness is
Associated with Differences in Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Children. Pediatr Crit Care
Med. 2016;17(1):53-7. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000538.
Jeffries H, Soto-Campos G, Katch A, Gall C, Rice T, Wetzel R. A Pediatric Index of Cardiac Surgical
Intensive Care Mortality Risk Score for Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care. Pediatr Crit Care
Med. 2015;16(9):846–852. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000489.
Nguyen T, Bhalla A, Leung D, Khemani R, Ross P. PICU Mortality and Body Habitus in Patients with
Septicemia or Septic Shock. Critical Care Medicine.2015;43(12):253–254. doi:
Zinter M, Dvorak C, Spicer A, Cowan M, Sapru A. New Insights into Multicenter PICU Mortality Among
Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients. Crit Care Med. 2015;43(9):1986-94. doi:
Toltzis P, Soto-Campus G, Kuhn E, Hahn R, Kanter R, Wetzel R. Evidence-Based Pediatric Outcome
Predictors to Guide the Allocation of Critical Care Resources in a Mass Casualty Event. Pediatr Crit
Care Med. 2015;16(7):e207–e216. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000481
Gupta P, Tang X, Gossett J, et al. Variation of Ventilation
Practices with center volume after pediatric heart surgery. Clin Cardiol. 2015 Mar;38(3):178-84. doi:
10.1002/clc.22374. Epub 2015 Feb 23.
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